Fosston Daycare Center Plan

Fosston Daycare Center Plan

FOSSTON DAYCARE CENTER PLAN Childcare has come to the forefront as a critical issue in many Greater Minnesota communities, including the City of Fosston. When the City completed its last comprehensive plan, published in 2017, the issue of childcare was identified as a...
Advance Thief River

Advance Thief River

ADVANCE THIEF RIVER Landsverk and Associates, Inc. provides leadership and project coordination for Advance Thief River, a regional economic development initiative in partnership with the City of Thief River Falls and Pennington County. Priorities include: Business...
Broadband Study

Broadband Study

A Study of Business Broadband Use in Northwest Minnesota I was contracted to conduct a study for the IMPACT 20/20 Taskforce for Broadband on business broadband use within Northwest Minnesota. The taskforce felt the study was important for two reasons: (1) they wanted...
Additive Manufacturing in Northwest Minnesota

Additive Manufacturing in Northwest Minnesota

Additive Manufacturing in Northwest Minnesota Northwest Minnesota is a relatively remote, rural region.  With few exceptions, most of the region’s businesses are small. One technology that has been rapidly developing over the last few years promises to be of...
Environmental Scan: Manufacturing in Minnesota

Environmental Scan: Manufacturing in Minnesota

Manufacturing in Minnesota: An Environmental Scan Manufacturing is the backbone of Minnesota’s economy, contributing more than $43 billion to the state economy and accounting for 16 percent of the state’s gross domestic product. Furthermore, manufacturing industries...