Advance Thief River

Advance Thief River

ADVANCE THIEF RIVER Landsverk and Associates, Inc. provides leadership and project coordination for Advance Thief River, a regional economic development initiative in partnership with the City of Thief River Falls and Pennington County. Priorities include: Business...
Fosston Comprehensive Plan

Fosston Comprehensive Plan

CITY OF FOSSTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City of Fosston, a small municipality located in Northwestern Minnesota, is a town on the grow. With the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, the community is positioning itself for growth over the next few years and into the future. In...
Come Home to Fosston

Come Home to Fosston

Come Home to Fosston Campaign The City of Fosston has implemented a “Come Home to Fosston” marketing campaign as a place branding strategy. The annual print publication features noteworthy articles on developments in the City and is sent to all Fosston...
Clearbrook Recreational Initiative

Clearbrook Recreational Initiative

Recreational Initiative Landsverk and Associates, Inc. was invited by the City of Clearbrook to assist with securing funding for a major recreational initiative. Michelle Landsverk worked with the City Administrator and a small planning team to refine the project plan...
MEC Joint Powers Agreement

MEC Joint Powers Agreement

A History of Collaboration and an Inspired Future The City of Thief River Falls, Northland Community and Technical College, and ISD 564 have been working together since 1996 to collaboratively operate the Multi Events Center (MEC) in Thief River Falls, MN.  Over the...